Inside the building, there is much happening. The entire book collection (probably 35,000 volumes) is now located in the new addition at the southwest end. The moving company (Carney & McNichols) did a tremendous job relocating the shelving and books in just two days. The library staff is currently "reading the shelves" to make sure the books are where they are supposed to be, but it looks like the movers kept them in nearly perfect order. This company specializes in moving libraries and they are truly professionals. We would recommend them to another library needing such services in a heartbeat. It was a great relief to not move those books ourselves.

Work continues on the less-exciting aspects of this job - heating/cooling system upgrades, computer networking, electricity, etc. We never know where the workers will need to be next. Each of us has been displaced from our offices/work spaces on any number of occasions, while someone works in our ceiling...
The concrete between the library and Orendorff Hall has been removed in anticipation for the landscaping work. This area will be a courtyard/walkway and should be a big improvement over the former site.
1 comment:
Hello from Kim Thanh, Vietnam!
I miss the library :(( I want to come back visiting the new library. Please keep updating news and pictures!!
Thanks Susan and Hinckley Library staff for all the posts on this blog. I enjoy reading them <3
Miss Hinckley Library!!
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