Monday, March 15, 2010

Changes on the Inside

Last week, construction crews "popped out" the windows that used to give us a view of the greenhouse space on the first floor. They sawed around the window frame to loosen the window. Then, two strong workers took the window out. This happened VERY FAST. After that, a masonry crew laid cement block in each of the openings. Using block and grout from the same company that supplied it in 1983, the match with the older block is pretty close. It looks great, but it does mean that we no longer have any natural light coming in the south wall of the building. This is only temporary, however, as there will be light coming in through windows in the study area being built in the former greenhouse space. We just cannot see this yet.

Friday, March 12, the library closed early (again) because the electrical crews had to relocate power and heating conduit from the first floor office area. This was necessary so that the roof to that space (southwest corner of the building) can be removed. It should come off this week and then crews will place structural steel for the second floor. Watch for these changes.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Demolition Continues

Well, it has been a while since our last post. We have been scrambling to keep the library operating (you know, helping students, providing library materials - all that important stuff), while at the same time packing to move. As of last Friday (Feb. 26) we relocated all of technical services, including office space for three librarians and our storage area. What a HUGE job that was. But, we made it. For the past few days we have been trying to find several things that have been packed who-knows-where???

While this has been happening, the renovation continues. You can see the second floor at the east end of the addition and now the second floor of the central part of the addition is taking shape. Notice that the ceiling will be the same beautiful wood we currently have.

Crews have been working on the interior of the addition. Archways and doors have been cut through from the existing building to the new building and there are some interior walls rising in the new space. We cannot see much of this because our window view from inside the library has disappeared. The communications and English faculty have a ringside seat now, including all the noise and fumes. See more photos on our Flickr link.

The demolition crews arrived on Monday, March 1 and immediately gutted the technical services space we vacated the previous Friday. Walls came down, ceiling was removed and they are now cutting holes in order to place the steel to support the second floor. It is so loud that we can hardly stand it at times. We have brought out the earplugs again and students are using them.

This Friday (March 5) we will close at noon so that computer services can relocate half of the library building's computer connections. Unfortunately, these connections are in the part that must be demolished. This involves cutting all the connections, relocating the fiber optic cable, switches and rack. Then, every connection must be reconnected AND tested. Alan says there are about 35 connections to relocate. WOW! What a lot of work. We do appreciate it.
