Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Demo Continues

Brisco, the demolition company, is making great progress on removing the exterior brick from the south face of the building. Because of the noise, they will work on the ground floor level, south side (around the first floor windows) on Thursday and Friday. By the weekend, they may have most all of the brick gone.

The brick must be removed so they can cut through the cement block walls.

Juniper bushes on the west side of the building have already been removed. Soon, the junipers on the east side will be cut down. Since these are thirty-plus years old, it is time for some new greenery and it will make working in that area more efficient for the construction crews.

While the noise continues in the library, it has been bearable. When they run the jackhammers to break up concrete in the greenhouse area, the building shakes. We have been assured not to worry, as the concrete removal is not attached to the library building.


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